Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Nest is a Mess

I'm feeling very ... unsettled, in-between, soon gonna, gettin' ready to... and I'm getting tired of it! I know I'm to be content in every circumstance. But quite honestly right now I'm struggling with it.

Those of you who have kids and homeschool know it's a messy proposition - there is always stuff to deal with. Projects take over, interests come and go leaving debris in their wake. That is all the normal chaos of our chosen lifestyle.

But a little over a year ago, we started into a much different kind of chaos. It's sort of like a Give a Moose a Muffin tale but we still haven't seen the ending. First it was septic problems but to deal properly with that we had to remove a large tree. Between the tree and the septic redo, we lost a large portion of our sprinkler system that hasn't been replaced because...

We knew we needed to deal with the rot on the front and gables of the house. OK. We thought we had a plan and it would be completed before Christmas. Then we would fix the sprinklers, resod, etc. and be back to 'normal' by spring. HA HA HA!!!

Now we're in the middle of the house project - and stuck it seems in the middle, at the mercy of those contracted to do the work - with no grass. I'm not a big fan of grass anyway but we need Something to keep the dirt in place! We live in a land of swirling grit. It comes in with the kids and the critters - why does it never just go along back out? It's on everything! I used to think I would die of crumbs but now I think my death certificate just might read "cause of death: excess of gritty crumbs or crumby grit." Oh that I should be so lucky (to quote Josh H. ). No, I'll just have to live with it a bit longer. And deal with my attitude...

I love to putter in the yard. At least I used to. Today I found myself not wanting to trot across the also-dead-due-to-lack-of-water back yard to hang up a load of laundry. I didn't want to get my toes gritty! Me!?! How unDawn is that?

So then I did hang the laundry and the clothesline pole split! Oh, and instead of our nice neutral wood blinds on the front windows we have pink and yellow sheets - because the new window isn't quite right and so we're not putting the blind back up until we see if we need a redo. And it's the end of the school year so I've weeded curriculum and closets and I have bins to go in storage and bags to go to the thrift store but they're sitting in the foyer - waiting until someone strong can move them for me. And I spent a day rearranging the schoolroom but I'm not sure I like it. Wahhhh! At least it got clean for a day.

Anybody else feel like you're taking one step forward and two steps back? Should I just shut up? And yes, I am thankful that I do have a house. I do have a family. I have a husband who loves me. I have friends. I have critters and I'm thankful for each one - well maybe not the snakes so much... but the kids are. I have loved the cool spring and the dry air. My tomato plant is producing enough to keep us in fresh tomatoes regularly. We have an abundance of butterflies and birds. I have a great church family and the most amazing Sunday School class. I have dinner - and it's almost ready, if I don't burn it.

Gratitude works - every time. My attitude is better now. I love my grit ;-).

1 comment:

Mrs said...

Like Corrie Ten Boom, huh? Thanks for the fleas?

Wow, you have sorted curriculum and cleaned your school room. KUDOS! I'm still trying to do laundry. I've also cleaned one corner of the kitchen. WARNING to anyone who tries to set something there!

I agree, amazing Sunday School class!