Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Birthday fun!!!

Today is my Birthday, so I thought I would show and tell you what we did on Sunday when we celebrated! After church, we came home, and had hamburgers, baked beans, chips, and iced tea. When we were done with lunch, Dad and I went to Michaels(a craft store) to get more food coloring. Hannah and Jesse wrapped presents while we were gone. When we got back, dad started decorating the cake, and H, Z, J, and I played settlers of Canaan.

I think Zach was losing.

: ( : ( : (

Widdle Benny Boo-Boo
(a nickname)

Happy Jesse!!!! He did pretty well!!!

I was surprised that he came in third!!!
Hannah won (as always). Zach was second, Jesse was third, and I was last. Jesse worked out some kind of deal that if I won, I got to open my present right away, if I was second, I had to wait an hour, if I was third I had to wait one day,and if I was last I had to wait three days. It was kind of confusing, but I ended up opening them in a couple hours instead of three days. And Zach kept "trading" sheep from me. He would take one, give me one of his, tell me he took one, then give it back about seven turns later. All in all it was a very odd game.

As you can see, I like to doodle...on that time in church that I colored my whole arm...

Anyway, Zach started it by drawing on Hannah's foot with a pen, then continuing on my foot. He stopped, and I continued with markers. Don't worry it came off. Well most of it anyway...

Zach went outside to practice casting, Mom was sitting on the porch swing, and I brought Benny out with me. he sat on the swing with mom for a while, until Jesse got Shadow and was chasing the rubber lure on Zach's rod. Poosey snuck out as well, and very happily sat under the picnic table.

Look at Zach's face!!! : )

And....Tada! My cake! it was a very beautiful Quilt cake!!! The cake was supposed to look like a bed. Dad did a wonderful job!!!!!!! And look at the little girl candle on the pillows!!! She made a total of 14 candles!!!

Close up on the candles!!!

I hope you enjoyed the story of my birthday!!!



Mrs said...

I DO love the story of your birthday! I do, I do , I DO! I even love your crazy India foot art.

What a great day, Bekah! Happy Birthday!

Raquel said...

that is quite a foot! what did the pets think of it? Hobbes would have cocked his head and pawed it.

happy bday!