Monday, April 21, 2008

Can't Recant the Rant!

OK, so I've been thinking about my reconstruction rant and I can almost hear a dear friend saying 'but they aren't the enemy...' And she would be right! Again! See, after all these years of hearing Truth and Love come out of the mouths of my Friends I can just go ahead and have the mental conversation and save the real ones for better things.

But, I can't ('won't' is more the thing but that doesn't rhyme nearly as well) recant the rant because the situation still stands. However I can make it clear that I know who the enemy really is!

I don't want to sound like I see a demon behind every bush - I don't! - but I also know that spiritual warfare is real and I'm convinced that these young people in my home are a prime target. Each of my kiddoes has trusted the Lord for salvation. Satan can't have them! But, he could derail them, send them off track, get their eyes off the Bullseye! (Thanks Bonnie!!!) NOT if I can help it!

So, here's my clarification: Those men I named and others who have followed, the homeschoolers who enjoy their books and agree with the teaching are not my enemies. Honestly I ache for them because I think they've been misled. I'm not a Bible scholar by any stretch of the imagination. If I'm going to err, may it always be on the side of Love. I don't believe we're here to bring this world back under the rule of OT law. God showed us that we can't be righteous that way. Jesus is our righteousness. And I agree with Mrs. - we can use these books to teach and learn discernment. Wolves in sheep's clothing beware!


1 comment:

Mrs said...

You know, I wouldn't recant, either. I feel it's ME who should recant of saying, "use it anyway."

You KNOW there's a certain curriculum out there that I. Just. Don't. Like. It seems innocuous, but I KNOW it isn't. There's a mom at our church who has used it, left it, and now wants to go back to it. Arrgghhh!!!

If all I have ever asked of my children, not perfect grades or perfect papers, was to not live without Jesus, is my curriculum teaching them how to do that? Is my curriculum pointing them to Him every day, and the truth of His word?

The closer they are to the truth, the more obvious a lie becomes without in-depth research of said "lie."