Monday, April 21, 2008

We're Rich!

Well, we would be if mucus were a hot commodity!

This time I started it - I thought it was just allergies. Wrong! Sorry guys, it's contagious! After 6 days of sleeping and honking, I'm finally better. Just in time for Zach and Bekah to be firmly into the sleeping stage. Zach got up this morning, had some breakfast, put some tunes on his head and promptly took over the green chair. He's been out cold ever since. Bekah just never emerged from her coccoon. Jesse is miserable but walking. Hannah and David are just trying to stay away from the rest of us.

I think Jesse gets the worst of this sort of thing. He needs me to do school - and I barely limped along last week. We'd work a little and I'd nap a while, work a little, nap a while. Now I'm ready to get back to it but he doesn't feel like it. I guess we can get caught up on the stories I couldn't read last week when my voice was gone.

It's a beautiful warm spring day - maybe we can make a nest outside under a tree and enjoy the day. A cup of tea, some books, warm breezes, birds and butterflies. Doesn't that sound nice? Jesse would add a few legos and maybe a snack and call it perfect! Let's do it!


Mrs said...

May I attend the Rigel Zoo School, please?

Except I want to do what Bekah's doing.

Phyllis said...

Sorry to hear you're sick. :-( We're rich, too. I don't know when we've ever all five come down colds at the same time! Usually someone escapes or at least holds out for a while.