Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Far Too Long No Blogging!

Long overdue: Quilt update!

Bekah finished her rag quilt sometime before Christmas. Isn't it lovely?

OOPS!!!! That isn't her quilt! It's a BOG BODY!!! The pale NJ version anyway...

You know, I could have just deleted that photo but I'm laughing so hard and I needed that laugh so badly that I thought just maybe you did too. The kids heard me laughing and came to check it out and now everyone is cracking up. More on bog bodies later... now for the quilt.

I love the bright fun colors of this quilt. It's nice and snuggly too. Since it was quilted block by block and then the blocks were sewn into rows and the rows sewn together, Bekah was able to do the whole thing on her machine - with lots of help from Mrs. G, of course.


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

I don't know why Dean looks like he has a few cyanotic fingers and a funny blue patch on his cheek. I assure you he was healthy - just being silly and tormenting his bog body avoiding nephew.

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

I found out what caused the 'cyanosis'. Bekah was playing with the photo using the red-eye reduction feature. If you use it places other than red eyes, it gives the area a bluish cast. She was trying to find a way to give it a bronze tone like the genuine bog bodies.

LEGOMAN said...

that is totally something uncle Dean would do!!!!!!!! ~J~

Mrs said...

At last, something other than cats! I'll take a bog body, even an Uncle Dean posing one, over a cat any day!