Monday, November 19, 2007


The week is here! The day is coming! The attitude will remain - I hope!

Living in Florida causes a celebration of autumn in a big way in our household. The kids delight in putting up the fall decorations. They grumble about stores that skip fall and go right into Christmas. Our landscape doesn't display the colors that we associate with fall so we bring a little of the color into our home. I find myself touching fabric rich in fall colors at the fabric store - and buying bits and pieces of it sometimes. We have garlands of leaves that we drape here and there. We've accumulated a few fall tablecloths over the years. We don't go nuts about the decorating - no time and too many cats! - but we genuinely enjoy every one.

And then there's Thanksgiving Day... the excitement builds... who is coming this year? Mom, did you buy turkey hearts? Can we buy some new balls for backyard games? Will it be cool? Will it be hot?

Why do our kids love this holiday so much? I think it's because it is one of the only traditions that we keep very close to the same every year and it isn't commercially overdone. It's all about being thankful to God for all He has given. Sometimes we've had difficult years. Sometimes our friends have had very difficult years. I hope I never forget the overflowing gratefulness I felt the year GG was here barely a week after surgery for colon cancer.

I'm not just thankful for the big things. I'm overwhelmingly thankful that I have a husband who loves me and whom I love. We have children who are learning and growing and who I honestly enjoy. We have friends - genuine friends - who really know us and still want to hang out with us. We have a great extended family. We have a church family that I wouldn't trade for all the tea in China (and you all know I like my tea!)

Last year we put a piece of paper on the fridge for everyone to write on listing things for which we're thankful. Thanks to my friend JS for the idea!! I'm a bit behind but that is going back up today. We'll see how many things we can think of by Thursday. I can start right now. I'm thankful for this computer and the internet access that allows me to write the blog entry and for each person who cares enough about us to read it.

1 comment:

Mrs said...

Why do I love this holiday so much? I guess for all the reasons you've posted . . . it's not over commercialized, that's for sure! It grieves me to see what Christmas has become.

Life's simple pleasures are the best. Meeting with friends, eating good food, playing outside . . . what's not to love?