Sunday, September 23, 2007


When H. was tiny, I read somewhere that people need 11 hugs a day. We decided to try to give/get our quota every day. Over the years there have been days we haven't given or gotten enough but we have come to treasure them.

Today H. brought me a hug from a friend. That hug came a very long distance to me. My friend carried it all the way from PNG via Indonesia, Australia, the Western US and a meandering trip all across the US. I loved getting that hug! Thank you Joy!

What is it about hugs that makes them so wonderful?


Mrs said...

Oooh, I got one of those hugs! I got mine from the source, but would have loved one via H as well!

Tell R and J about a country song. You have to say it out loud to get the full effect:

If my nose were running money
I'd blow it all on you
If my nose were running money
But it's not.

Nap envy!

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Heh, Heh, Heh, Heh...

I'm just juvenile enought to be giggling right along with the kids.