Sunday, February 6, 2011

RigelZoo Returns

The Rigel family still lives on the same tiny piece of sandy grit in central Florida and I have no excuse for not posting on this blog. No excuses! But my plan is to start fresh and try to keep up.

We have a friend living far away who posts weekly on Sunday evenings and I greatly appreciate those posts. Her diligence is what has finally overcome my inertia - thanks Phyllis!

Since this is a family blog, Zach will be posting his thoughts about his mission trips to Mexico soon. Eventually we'll post Hannah's impressions of Haiti. Hers may take a little longer since she's in her last semester at UCF and is preparing to return to Haiti in just a few weeks.

In the interest of keeping this brief and getting it posted I'm just going to list a few things for which I am thankful:

1. David - my dear husband who wears many hats, is unfailingly kind and wonderfully snuggly.
2. Hannah - dear firstborn (read family guinea pig) who loves God so much she seeks to align her heart with His in every way.
3. Zachary - my senior! Young man of God and big puppy all rolled into one!
4. Rebekah - our creative nurturer, who loves passionately and completely, is blooming!
5. Jesse - who once tearfully asked why God didn't give him an imagination, now uses that amazing mind to think deep thoughts and dream big dreams.

Well, that was short and not nearly all I'm thankful for but my time is up and I'm off to our next adventure... Bekah and I have a great coupon for JoAnn Fabrics that expires today!


Mrs said...

Dawn? Eres tu? Missed the blog, but miss you more! We'll have to scratch out a time and go to lunch, or dinner, or dessert . . . =)


DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Yes, please! I am missing you too. Youth group camping trip coming up soon = weekend in the kitchen together!