Monday, January 11, 2010

Chicken Bones and Otter Paws... But Not Fowl or Ice Cream

It's all because of homeschooling... we were normal before that... I'm sure we were...

And it all started at church.

Our friend DT asked if H (aka 'Chicken Bones') still liked road kill. Of course she does! What's not to like... especially if it's fresh?

And this is an especially exciting find. An otter!

A mission was planned - later, when traffic is quiet, a quick stop, scoop, and go!

Riding home - windows wide - heater on - mission accomplished! Another father/daughter adventure for the retelling.

Mom at home... sewing... a screen 'body bag'. Don't want to lose the goodies while the little beasties do their decomp magic.

So sad - this gorgeous male otter. Why did he want to cross that road? Who is bewildered by his absence? His skull will be a puzzle; he's otherwise intact.

We have photos...but they're not adequate without smell-a-vision. He was ripe.


Mrs said...

I want to embrace this side of your family. I do.

I don't.

Jenna Lyn said...

Yeah um... this is kind of interesting... I guess. Your family is so silly!