Friday, June 19, 2009

Guess Who Hatched Today!

That's right! My chicks! In case you didn't know, Merry, one of my chickens, has been sitting on eggs for the last couple weeks. This morning, Jesse excitedly told me that one of the chicks had hatched!! Well, we also found one of them half hatched, on the ground outside the coop. We figured he started hatching too early and Merry kicked him out or something and have been taking care of him. We are really hoping he survives because he has a wonderful personality! He also gets lonely very easily. He is in a box, and the others are with Merry. Anyway, several hours later another one hatched (by then we were checking every ten minutes or so). A little while later another one hatched, so we now have four tiny chicks!!! We are working on names for them, and I'll post pictures later.



Mrs said...

Congratulations, Mama! (Grandmama?)

Can't wait to see the little fuzzballs!

Raquel said...

awww, yay!