Thursday, August 21, 2008

Plenty Wet!

Tropical storm Fay is, as they say in PA, making down with the wet! At first I was thinking we weren't even going to get as much as we do in afternoon storms... but then it started to rain for real. And then Fay stalled. I'm feeling really sorry for those over near the coast - some areas have had over two feet of rain in the last two days!!!! Here I'd guess we've had near 10 inches.

Hannah and I both love 'hurricane days'. I asked her why she liked them so much and she replied "Because you get to snuggle in bed and read stories!" I love being home with nowhere to go!

We took pity on our poor, wet chickens. They spent most of the afternoon huddled on the patio and this evening Bekah brought them into the garage and bedded them down in a nice, dry dog kennel.

Now that Fay has started moving, we're getting a bit of gusty wind. When it's just a tropical storm it's fun to go outside and play in it. The kids are out back doing one of their favorite 'been-cooped-up-too-long-in-a-tropical-storm things... pretending to be reporters from TWC reporting on the 'terrible' storm! At the moment Bekah is the reporter, Hannah the videographer and the boys are adding sound/storm effects. It's plenty windy and rain is falling but Zach is banging things around and Jesse is throwing extra water on Bekah. Hopefully we'll have video for you later - but please remember that most of the violent weather is added by sibling power!


Mrs said...

What a hoot! If I had know kids were going to be so great, I'da had a dozen of them!

Our roof is leaking (all over the family room). There goes the bonus.

DaDaHaZaReJe said...

Oh, NO!!!

We have our own water saga. Our brand new super dooper window leaks like a sieve! I told David I'm ready to live in a grass hut - at least then I'd expect to be wet!

DaDaHaZaReJe said...
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