Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Camping with Teens!

Last weekend we had the privilege of going along on the Thrive Youth High School Campout. We left Friday afternoon for Ocala National Forest where we took over the Kiwanis Camp for the weekend. We were blessed with absolutely perfect Florida weather and some really terrific kids!

We did a lot of cooking, eating, playing and studying God's Word. The theme of the weekend was our identity in Christ. My heart was filled with gratitude that these teens were able to hear teaching that is so essential to being able to function in a healthy way in this world. I didn't begin to understand my identity in Christ until I was in my early 30s and for these young people to be able to grasp that now is amazing!

Everyone worked hard - each student was part of a team that had cooking duty for one meal and clean up duty for another. All the teams had jobs on the last day in order to leave the camp in good shape when we left. Mrs. JLW organized the teams (thank you randomizer!) and the meals. We ate really well - cooked breakfasts, sandwich bar lunches, cooked dinners, fresh fruit for snacks!

Mr. L and Mr. W and young Mr. L prepared an orienteering course for our Saturday afternoon adventure. The students were grouped in 3s and sent out (after instructions, of course) on a mission to retrieve an important message from an operative. Along the way they had to be silent in order to avoid the aggressors. I'm happy to report all teams made it back with the message - although some did have contact with the aggressors!

Scary aggressor!

Any time the kids weren't in a teaching session or assigned a task, they were free to play. There was a horse shoe tournament, volleyball, frisbee, swimming, canoeing, board and card games - plenty to do!

Zach and Chico decided to go for a swim Saturday morning before breakfast - I think that was after a fishing trip in the canoe even earlier. They made the most of every moment. I watched them getting into the water early that morning - the photos are on Mrs. JLWs camera. Of course Zach fished but several others did too.

There are some special Circle camp out traditions that we enjoyed again this year. One of them is the Saturday night entertainment. Tali and Jessie once again made us laugh ourselves silly. Zach S. shared a song he wrote. All of the acts were entertaining. We had everything from contortion to beautiful music coming from an old, out of tune piano. What amazing kids! The thing that struck me during that event is how different but uniquely wonderful they all are!


Anonymous said...

Mrs. R,
What great photos! (especially the one of Tali at the end. Ha ha! Good thing I was hidden! ;)

I had a wonderful time! Yes, even the bathroom cleaning is a positive experience in my memory. ;)
Many thanks to you and all the other adults who made the trip possible!

Josh's teaching was wonderful. What an encouragement it was to be reminded of my freedom in Christ and that my identity is only found in Him!

Oh. and when you said we "once again" made you laugh, were you insinuating that we made you laugh all weekend? ...because that was certainly my first and only attempt. ;)

Thanks for posting!

DaDaHaZaReJe said...


Mr. R is the source of all the great photos - and I'm so thankful that he likes to take them!

When I said 'once again' I was remembering past years - upside down eyes on chin people :-)...
You two keep me smiling!

Mrs said...

Great pictures, and great summary! I clicked this morning hoping against hope that I wouldn't have to face the bog bodies again. What a reward!

I've heard positive feedback so far on the campground. Here's to hoping it will be a Thrive tradition. I know I loved it!