H, Z, R, and J have an absolutely SUPER Dad!!
I could spend days telling you all about the wonderful things he does with the kids - and still not complete the list, so I'll just tell about one thing. It's an ongoing thing...
Over the years whenever I've gone to the Circle Ladies Retreat, David has handled the homefront with such skill (and pure fun!) that I'll bet the kids wish I'd go away more often.
(For a great look at the retreat go to my friend JLW's blog.)
This year, in addition to preparing for a big review at work and feeding the 3 children at home with him, he did the traditional Treasure Hunt!
First, he gives the kids a map and a clue...
One clue leads to another...
How did they ever find that one???
Every boy loves a good treasure map!
This place is a real jungle!
Dig where?
Look! An old can! Wonder what's inside?
(How does he get the treasure inside the unopened can?
And where did the mysterious fruit in the fridge come from?)

Now I would like to post a photo of Super Dad but he is always behind the camera!!! So, the children have an assignment... get some good photos of your DAD!!!!